In the month or so we've been here, life has changed drastically for our little Tarter family. So I thought to fill you all in on life lately, I would comprise a list of all the NEW things that have happened since we got here! Here it goes...
1. New State - Obviously! I've never lived any where but the upper mid-west my whole life so this is definitely new for me. We are currently living on the gulf coast side in Punta Gorda.
2. New Animals - On our way to church a few weeks ago we passed a pack of wild hogs! And I'm not talking a group of bikers! I couldn't believe it! I have never seen a wild pig before! Zach and I really like seeing it's been neat to see ones we're not used to! :)

3. New Occupation - Loving staying home with Daivd all day! I'm also trying to balance about 10 hours a week of administrative work for Zach's dad's window washing company. How I organize my days between David, admin work and other necessary things like showering, eating, laundry, etc. is still a work in progress!

4. New Hair-do - You may have been able to tell by the picture above...but I got a perm while I was in Michigan. I quickly realized after David was born that I was no longer going to have 15 minutes to do my hair after I took a shower! So 60 seconds to towel dry and scrunch a little curl cream is working well! Now its only a matter of time until I chop it off! Here are before and after shots...

5. New Truck - I finally have my mini-van back! Zach was previously using it for window washing, but now he has to pull a power washing trailor when he works so he had to buy a truck. Not just any truck, I found out after the purchase, but the "truck of his dreams". haha! Well, ONE of the trucks of his dreams anyway! Apparently he's always wanted a Dodge Ram...

6. New Sleeping Arrangements - For the first time since David was born...Zach and I have our own room!! :) And David has his own "nursery" (aka - Micah's room until he comes back from college!) No more tip-toeing around while we're getting ready for bed! I will spare you from pictures of our messy room (since it's our living room, office and bedroom all rolled into one!) but here's a few shots of David's...

7. New Toy - David is like Ready. To. Move. He has had it with his immobility! If he could just get up and run he would! But alas - at 5 1/2 months that's not happening. But we did go ahead and buy him this exersaucer so he at least feels like he's standing up and doing something productive!

8. New Ways to Play! - Night time around here is Daddy Time! And David LOVES Daddy Time! Don't get me wrong, no one can snuggle and comfort like Mom....but no one plays like Dad! :)

9. New Family Dinners! - We've only done this a couple times, but this past week we had dinner together as a FAMILY for the first time! :) David is not eating solids yet so he just sat with us and chewed on his toys and then threw them all over the place! hehe! But it was really nice to all sit down togeter!

10. New Friends - We have really enjoyed getting to know people at our church and have already had a few opportunities to get together with some of them. Most recently I was invited over for a time of visiting & fellowship/play date with a group of women my age and their kids (if they had any). We really had a great time!

11. New Game - David has recently noticed himself a lot more in the mirror and interacting with his reflection! He tries to grab his hands and chew on his face...haha!

12. New Tooth!! - On Friday, February 26th David's first tooth came in! :) We've been awaiting it's arrival for a little while now and knew it would be coming soon because this boy has been gnawing with vigor!! And forget the plastic teethers, the harder the object the better! If you look close enough, you can kind of see his tooth in this picture, it's in the bottom in the middle.

Well I'm sure I could keep adding new things to the list each day...but if I do I'll never publish this post! I'll continue to keep you all posted!! :)