So, with a contract pending now, I thought I would take a few minutes and post some new pictures of the little man! I can hardly believe he is 7 months already...and he is over 20 lbs, not sure exactly how much, but he was 19 lbs. 7 oz at his 6 month appointment and I know he's heavier now! His newest development is rolling over in his crib which, mixed with teething has made for some rough nights! He is still ever aspiring to MOVE! Each stage brings contentment for about a week or so and then he's trying new things. For the first few months he was fine to lay on his back and play, then it was the belly and lifting his head, on to a little bit of rolling - but he wasn't really digging that so he stopped. Then he learned to sit on his own and play with his toys, now he's lunging forward to his belly and has brought back the rolling. When he's playing with someone he also likes to lean forward and pull himself up. Everyone keeps telling me once he learns how to move there's going to be no stopping him!
He also gives hugs and kisses...not exactly sure if he KNOWS that's what he's doing, but that's what we call them. Most of the time they are nice and sweet, but every once in a while he really rears back and goes after your face!! There are three ladies that particularly draw this wild animal out of him - a woman from our church, our pastor's wife and Zach's mom. It was cute at first (and still is, I'll admit, laughable) but this boy's got two full blown teeth and is pushing 22 lbs! It hurts! Picture the scene - Mrs. Perez (the woman from church who for some reason really riles him up) comes up to him talking in her baby Spanish (she doesn't speak English) making her little tongue noises and tickling his cheeks. She then reaches out to hold him and once in her arms he latches on to either hair or earrings, which ever comes first, rears back and plants his open mouth on her face - shaking his head back and forth, chomping down repeatedly! And so, for the safety of others and the good of his soul - we have started teaching David what "No" means. Along with phrases like "Be gentle" and "That hurts Mama." :) As we begin teaching him the first of many, many, MANY things...I am humbled and appropriately frightened by the task set before us. Just another reminder that we can't do this alone, that along with the counsel of friends and family who have been here ahead of us, we need to lean on Christ and look to him for grace and wisdom and new mercies everyday.
So with that by way of an update on are a few pictures of him from the past month or so. Enjoy! :)
Here is proof of those fierce kisses!! =)
Adorable pics!!!
Haha!! Yep - that's what I'm talkin' about!
So SO great to see pictures of him! He's getting SO big! ;-) Makes me wanna come down there and give him a BIG SQUEEZE! ;-) Miss you guys so much! Congratulations on the house!! The Lord is good! We'll wait for pictures of that too! Isn't blogging fun? ;-) I should keep up with mine...but alas...I don't feel as though I'm called to writing. That's Rob's forte' Anyhoo...great to get updates and we love you 3!!
Hey Jody! We miss you guys so much too!! I'll post some pics of the house eventually...I'm thankful for the blogosphere to be able to update all my friends and family at once! :)
We love you too! We were just going through pictures the other night and found the ones you gave us from Dome Day 2008...made us smile and think about you guys. There was a great one of all of us together, we're going to print it so we can put it up in our new place. :)
AHHHH!I love the pictures of him!!!
Can't wait to see him again!
That kid's a stud!!! Whaaaat....Can't wait to see him again.
Thanks for the update Emily! He is one cute baby!
Hahaha, I smiled while reading this entire post! (I think you have to have an account to leave comments with your name included, so I think mine will say anonymous..but this is Amy =) ) Love you guys!
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