So I already posted this picture a while back...but as a refresher, this is what the front of the house looks like :)

Here is the view from the "breeze way" going to the front door. David got me that super cute welcome mat for my birthday...he has such good taste! ;)

This is right when you walk in the front door and look to the right - a shot of the living room before...

And after.

Here is the view straight ahead from the front door into the dining room - before...

And after.

I don't have any before pictures with these views...but this is the living room from the dining room

Another shot from the dining room...

This is a view of the kitchen from the dining room - before...

And after.

Here's another view from inside the kitchen so you can see some of my color scheme...I'm loving the bright colors! :)

A view of the dining room from the kitchen

And a little to the right...a view of the living area from the kitchen. Notice the the little sign on the wall - this was a house warming gift from my dear friend Kalli in MN - though there isn't any other turquoise in the kitchen, it was my inspiration for the bright colors! :)

Here's a shot of David's room - before...

And after. I was SO excited to finally decorate David's "nursery"!!! :) I got this whole 'Playful Pond' bedding set as a baby shower gift from a group of wonderful family friends in MI and now we finally get to use it!!

Another shot a little to the right so you can see the cute valance :) By the way - my wonderful husband put up all the blinds you see in all the pictures and also learned how to install ceiling fans!

This is the guest bathroom, kind of across the "hall" from David's room and right next to the guest bedroom - before...

And after. I really wanted to do a fun color scheme in here...but it had this hideously ugly blue counter top - so solid brown was all I could come up with! It didn't turn out too bad though. You can't see them in the picture but I got some really cute bathroom accessories (toothbrush holder, soap dispenser, etc.) that are like a goldish mosaic tile...so overall I was pleased with the outcome :)

This is the guest room (located next to David's room to the left) - before...

And after. We've already had two guests from MN, (my friends Kalli and Stacey - it was SOOO wonderful to have them be a part of my new life in FL!!) Micah stayed over this past weekend and my mom and sister Rachel are coming in a week!! :) So our guest bedroom has been quite useful thus far!! That is precisely the reason I wanted it though...if we're going to live so far away from my loved ones, I really wanted a place for them to stay when they come to visit! The Lord was very gracious in providing that for us!

Here is our empty utility room. This is right off the kitchen and goes into the garage. Nice for when Zach gets home from work all stinky. :)

Zach attempting his first home project...it was already night time and we couldn't find the lever to shut off the water in the dark so we thought - how bad could it be to hook up the washer without shutting it off?

We captured this on camera as I took a second shower. We won't be doing that again.

The finished product. This is actually a DIFFERENT washer and dryer than the ones pictured above though. We also made the rookie mistake of buying a set off of craigs list...needless to say the guy scamed us and they didn't work. A few days later we purchased this set from a 2nd hand appliance store, which we were GOING to do in the first place but tried to save a few bucks and go the cheaper route. Another mistake we won't be making again. :)

This is the master bedroom, also right off the kitchen and next to the utility room - before...

And after.

Another shot...with our new bedding.

And a view looking out into the "hall" going into the dining/living area.

Master bath - before...

And after.

Another shot before...

And after.
Well, that completes the virtual tour!! :) We are absolutely LOVING being in our own home - all three of us! Especially for me, this is such a dream come true. We feel unbelievably blessed and our prayer is that this will be a home where Christ's name is upheld and glorified! We don't know what God's plan for us is here in FL but we look forward to the years he has for us here! And while we are here - remember there's a guest room waiting if you ever want to come and visit the Sunshine State! At least on until baby no. 2 comes along! ;)